Wednesday, October 04, 2023

Lech Wałęsa

Last night, with family, I went to hear Lech Wałęsa at Bridgewater State University here in Massachusetts … 40 years after his winning the Nobel Peace Prize for freeing Poland from Communism with his Solidarity Movement.

He spoke in Polish … although he understands English … and his translator was mediocre at best. In fact, when the translator was screwing up, he clarified himself in Polish again. (My wife’s first language was Polish and, she said, she understood about a third to a half of what he said.) All in all, it was difficult for me to follow.

However, he did hit all the high points of the breakup of the Soviet Union … although capitalism has a few flaws, communism is a disaster … the Polish Pope John was a big help to his cause … he is a great admirer of Gorbachev, and Poland is finally free and prospering.

His comments on the Ukraine escaped me … but said Putin has a $5 million price on his head … $10 million after tonight [laughter]. 

The one word not mentioned was Trump … he knew his audience … although I know independently that the Poles love our previous president … and he kept emphasizing that stronger American leadership is needed.

He then took some pre-submitted questions … but not from the general audience. I would love to have asked him why a former warm relation with Ukraine seems to be cooling?

Lastly, although he spoke in a huge auditorium … it was only about 3/4 full. I sincerely doubt that more than 5% of Bridgewater State students know who the hell he is.


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