Friday, September 08, 2023

Trump’s Posse


Now that your humble blogger has elected Trump in a landslide, it’s time to think of the posse he should chose to help him clean up the mess in Washington.

Here are my considered picks:

Vice President — Tim Scott or Nikki Haley

Attorney General — Ron DeSantis

FBI Director — Josh Hawley

Secretary of State — Mike Pompeo

Secretary of the Treasury — Jamie Dimon

Secretary of Defense — David Norquist

Health and Human Services  — Vivek Ramaswamy

Secretary of Labor — Eugene Scalia

Secretary of Commerce — Robert Lighthieser

Secretary of Interior — Tulsi Gabbard

Director of Homeland Security — John Bolton

Secretary of Education — Betsy DeVoss

National Security Advisor — Robert O’Brian

That’s all I got folks …

Obviously some of the choices may not work because of political considerations (who takes their places), but please Trump … this time only serious people.


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