Monday, September 04, 2023

Stares’ Rights


First please read: Politico article … then:

The U.S. Constitution gives the states’s legislatures sovereignty over their national elections … under review by each stare’s Supreme Courts.

So, PPiggrim, what responsibility does our national Supreme Curt  have in this process … if anything?

Because, as we have recently seen, state legislatures can establish the election rules so that the party in power can keep getting elected in perpetuity.

It would seem to me, Pilgrim, that the scope of our Supreme Court’s authority extends to cases such as described above … and poll taxes or egregious gerrymandering being such examples .. where election rules have be so jiggered to keep one party in power.

And, in my humble opinion, unsolicited universal mail-in ballots with ballot harvesting is such an instance.



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