Saturday, August 26, 2023

Wave Election

Pilgrim, were you watching Trump’s arrival in Atlanta late Thursday for his arrest and mugshot? His motorcade from the airport passed through a poorer section of town where hundreds of Blacks poured our of their homes to cheer him on.

Wow! That doesn’t happen every day!

Also, on talk radio, I heard a Baltimore caller say that where he works most all Blacks … even BLMers … are outraged at the Democrat piling-on and are now supporting Trump.

Pilgrim, you realize what this means? Trump got 20% of the Black vote last time. If he gets north is this … maybe even as high as 50% … it will be a Republican wave election … no matter what Democrats can do in the shadows.

And, unless the RINOs gain back control, it will be red elections for a generation.

All because of a mugshot!

Afterward: I kinda predicted the impact of such a bagatelle … see: Public Opinion.


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