Tuesday, August 29, 2023

Crony Capitalism


Pilgrim … do you wonder what “crony capitalism” is? Well, we are about to experience another Biden blockbuster of same.

President Trump rightfully funded the emergency development of vaccines when China first released the Wuhan red death on the world (Project Warp Speed). Pfizer, Moderna and Novavax responded with vaccines of some effectiveness but with numerous downsides. And, of course, made billions of dollars of corporate profits in the process.

Now, just in time for the 2024 election, new COVID variants are appearing to grease lefties winning at the polls. And the Biden posse is not asleep at the switch … as they are ready to shovel billion$ more to big pharma to develop another vaccine that hopefully won’t kill and maim quite so many … see: FoxNews story.

It seems so obvious to your humble blogger that these new vaccines could and should be developed with the billions of corporate profits garnered from the previous batch of Fauci ouchies. But no, it’s the taxpayers once again!

Now do you understand what crony capitalism means?


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