Sunday, August 27, 2023

Adult Fetus


Pilgrim, whatever scientists can imagine, science will try to accomplish. Now I’m not a biologist but last night I had a bizarre idea which I hesitate to express lest it inspires Fauci … creating an adult fetus.

The first step would be to grow a large umbilical cord … possibly by using stem cells and attaching it to a receptor site at the belly button of an adult. The other end wold be hooked to a surrogate maternal device that would supply nutrients, drugs, oxygen and essential biologicals … and receive back waste products and carbon dioxide.

With such an arrangement, the adult would need none of the life-sustaining efforts and be free to cogitate and just move around … even under water!

The surrogate maternal device could be called a self-contained underwater living apparatus … SCULA for short.

Just a thought …

Afterward: This might run into problems turning off the breathing reflex … and finding ways to keep the maternal surrogate up and running for more than a few days.


(I once took Latin)

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