Friday, June 23, 2023

Today’s Poser


Dan Bongino has made the following case better than I can   — How many pols, “journalists” and lefties know in their hearts that the Trump-Russian collusion, Bragg indictment, J6 “insurrection,” classified documents indictment, Zelensky phone call, Fulton County possible indictment, Carroll defamation suit,  etc. … are all hoaxes … but are willing to aver belief in them because of their spittle-flecked hatred of their target?

Afterward: “Justice contrived is justice denied.”



  1. Really? All Hoaxes? Bongino is getting paid to make idiotic claims. Fletcher does it for free. That's integrity.

    Maybe one or more of your hundred regular followers will take issue with me. If not, I count no more than three or four non-bots here.

  2. At least the bots don’t piss on my leg …
    (1736 hits today … what can be the motivation for such gratuitous numbers?)

  3. So hits = thumbs up by likely Trump voters?
    People crane their necks to see an auto accident. That's not gratuitous.
    I'm with Den.

  4. Where are the other real readers, defending Fletcher's integrity? Since bots cannot comment, I must conclude that besides Chillfin and Sandee, no other human is moved to comment either in support or spittle-flecked opposition. Stand up and be counted!

  5. Answering the question: 1730 hits were probably bots, searching for keywords and collecting the content for some unknown purpose. Not real people actually reading the content.

    I don't expect you to publish this comment

  6. Are you a real person? Maybe not …
