Thursday, June 08, 2023

Threat Level 10


On his radio show today … WMAL, 12-3 PM ET … Dan Bongino spent some time talking about how he was worried about Trump’s security during his upcoming campaign. Why is this revelvant? Because Bongino was a Secret Service agent for 10 years … many of them involved in protection details for  W. Bush and Obama. He knows from what he speaks!

Why is Bongino worried? Because, using his prior experience, he rates the level of hate against Trump as a 10 … as high as it can go. And, on top of this, the Secret Service is under the aegis of Mayorkas, DHS secretary…  who can’t provide Trump commensurate protection assets without giving him a political advantage over other Republican candidates.

Now, I will put on my tinfoil hat and take Bongino’s concerns one step further:

Here goes:

We know that there have been possibly a million “got-aways” coming over our open Mexican border under Biden’s term … and we have also caught hundreds of illegal invaders who were on our terrorist watch list. Now, Pilgrim, how many terrorist are likely to have not been caught … and how many of these terrorists might have the mission to snuff Trump?  Say because Iran wants revenge for Trump having ordered the killing of Soleimani, Iran’s head of its Quds Force?

Is this yet another reason for Mayorkas’ pussy-footing security on our Southern border! I sure hope not!


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