Tuesday, June 06, 2023

Orange Hair


Never in American history have the aurthorities persecuted and the media castigate any one man as ruthlessly as they have Donald J. Trump.

Why? Because he didn’t let her win … and threatened to reform them … and wasn’t woke … and had orange hair!

Afterward: Yet he still changed the arc of our foreign policy … and exposed the frightening corruption in our administrative state and traditional media  … all in four short years!



  1. Your argument is devoid of reason or fact. He is and will always be a cheater and a liar. His genius is that he found that he is not the only one. So he amassed a following of liked minded or gullible fans. He is corruption incarnate and you are a fool to believe that he cares about you or America. (written totally sober)

  2. https://vanholtenpickles.com/sour-pickle/

  3. I agree with Den. I had DJT down as a lying, privileged, philandering, cheating con man all the way back to the 1980's. And yes, Trump did change the arc of our foreign diplomacy; however, like his wall on the border, none of it stood up for long.

  4. Good to know! When are you scheduled for treatment?
