Monday, June 26, 2023


If you can’t be loyal, don’t take the job. — Fletcher


Bill Clinton achieved loyalty partly through the possibility of Arkancide and fear of his wife.

George W. Bush had very spotty loyalty … mostly with neoconservatists.

Barack Obama achieved loyalty by drawing around him Saul Alinsky and climate change devotees. Also fear of being called a racist helped.

Donald Trump had very few loyalists … mostly due to his inexperience in government.

Joe Biden achieves loyalty through the Obama acolytes and fear of what Trump might do to upset the deep-state apple cart.


1 comment:

  1. Biden developed his alliances in over fifty years in government. Long before "Obama acolytes". No fear of Trump's desire to tear the government down.

    Trump can't even get loyal lawyers. Maybe that's because he won't pay in advance.
