Sunday, June 11, 2023

Interesting Wrinkle


There is an interesting wrinkle … a catch 22 if you will … to the Trump espionage charge in his recent indictment — when the Special Prosecutor Jack Smith is trying to convince the jury that the alleged documents in this case were “Top Secret” or “Eyes Only” or “Highest Sensitivity” military documents … but these documents can’t be shown to them.

In other words, the government would say to a jury, “you can trust us” for this extremely key piece of evidence of this case … when it is abundantly clear … from seven years of gross DOJ and FBI malfeasance … that it cannot possibly be trusted.

Imagine yourself on that jury, Pilgrim …

Afterward: To try to iron out this wrinkle, Jack Smith and much of the media point the accusing finger at Trump’s audio recording wherein he said that General Miley had written an unsolicited battle plan for invading Iran. Well, Trump’s motivation here … he didn’t reveal any details … was that Milley himself had publicly accused Trump of wanting to invade Iran. … to this observer, very un-Trump like … recall his aversion to foreign entanglements … and remember when he pulled back a retaliatory strike on an Iran base because innocents would be killed?

I’m not sure this “evidence” is a smoking gun … it’s just Trump punching back.


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