Thursday, June 29, 2023



Harris on the hot seat: veep has critical stretch ahead as campaign heats up

Google distances itself from planned drag show after employee petition

Visa overstays hit record high under Biden’s watch

Trump insists he didn’t show classified material in leaked audio

‘He’s the cheapest SOB I’ve ever met’: Christie rips Trump for diverting campaign money to PAC

Countdown started on Kremlin regime, Ukraine official says; Belarus receives Wagner leader Prigozhin

Hunter told Chinese business associate ‘The Biden’s are the best I know of doing exactly what the Chairman wants’

Poll: DeSantis at all-time low net favorability rating

The latest fight over Puerto Rico’s shattered grid

More than $200 billion in COVID loans potentially stolen by fraudsters, watchdog says

NYC housing more illegal migrants than homeless people

Support mounts among GOP for Garland impeachment


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