Tuesday, June 13, 2023

Fauci’s Crimes against Humanity


Joseph Mengele

Anthony Fauci

The Sunday London Times has an extensive article on the origins of the COVID-19 pandemic … and surprise! … it points to the Wuhan Institute as the source, see: Obvious Conclusion. And, surprise, surprise! … points to the U.S. funding of this research along with the Chinese military. And, of course this research ended up killing over 1.1 million people in America … and almost 7 million worldwide.

And it also points out how we aided this research by not only funding it, but by educating them on virus manipulation know how … which is, to me, the evidence which turns Anthony Fauci into a modern-day Josef Mangle … known as Nazi Germany’s “Angel of Death.”

Don’t believe me? Read the above link again …


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