Saturday, May 13, 2023

It’s Our Fault


Pilgrim, I can’t pinpoint exactly when it happened … but sometime in the last 30 years we stopped laughing at all our crazies.

Once, when something really stupid was asserted, we would ridicule them back into their padded cells.

I don’t understand why we stopped … maybe because they started using bull horns.



  1. Conservatives have no sense of humor, or empathy.

  2. We’re not allowed to laugh at Whispering Joe … otherwise we are dissed by your media. And we have empathy for the flood of illegals … but not tolerance.

    1. If you could put your self in an asylum seeker's shoes you wouldn't talk about tolerance. You would ask for a chance to earn a living in the richest country in the world. How come you smart guys can't figure out how to make these folks into loyal citizens?

  3. The willingness to get roasted ended when Obama roasted Trump at the correspondents dinner. Trump did not laugh and went on to hurl Don Rickles insults at everyone ever since except authoritarian dictators and his children.

  4. I think he has insulted Xi and Kim Jong un (Rocket Boy) a number of times. But yes he kinda laid off Putin … but at the recent town hall said Putin made a huge mistake invading Ukraine … didn’t call him a war criminal because we could never stop the war if Putin thought his reward would be his execution.

  5. And he never bowed to them like BO mam.

  6. There is a process for applying for “asylum” or migration into America. Why do these migrants pay thousand$ to the cartels to break our laws? Perhaps they are not eligible for asylum, they are criminals or are impatient to reap the economic benefits that the Biden administration is lavishing on them. We allow over a million migrants to follow the legal process and enter America every year. I tolerate this process. I do not tolerate an open border no matter how many illegals may deserve my empathy.

    Yes, we are currently the richest country … but will not be so very long if our welfare system has to support all the world’s line jumpers.

    If you would read history, you will see this laxity is why the Roman Empire crumbled. Is this what you want for America?

    (BTW, I don’t believe you’re DEN. I suspect this deception is an indication of your character.)
