Tuesday, May 23, 2023



Key Republican recruits hesitate to jump in if Trump is the nominee

Meta fined a record $1.3 billion over EU user data transfer to the U.S.

Biden hints at inviking 14th Amendment on debt ceiling

NAACP travel advisory against Florida … ‘Openly hostile’ …

Greece’s conservatives achieve a landslide victory but fall short of majority

China chip stocks rally after Beijing said U.S. chip giant Micron is major security risk

Report: Jeffery Epstein threatened Bill Gates with sexual blackmail

Debt clock nears $32 trillion … $250,000 per taxpayer …

SinnFein scores record win in Northern Ireland as voters rage

‘We are not decoupling’: G-7  leaders agree on approach to ‘de-risk’ from China

Mail delivery halted for an entire zip code in Democrat-run Seattle due to rising theft

Florida law puts breaks on hiring of undocumented workers …


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