Saturday, April 08, 2023



                     David Copperfield’s miracle

Being Easter week, reminds me how meaningful miracles play in the validation of religion … the loaves and the fishes, walking on water, the blind man sees, the resurrection. Personally, I have not experienced any miracles in my lifetime, but the Catholic Church has numerous such occurrences … see: Top Ten … one reason to keep the faith.

And Christ’s deciples were so convinced by his miracles that they also endured horrendous punishment without folding their faith … the pillar upon which many support their faith today.

And, since I have had no such experience, perhaps this is why I am agnostic … even an atheist to be perfectly honest.

Once again … like in politics … this is a struggle between head and heart. In my case the head prevails. Perhaps why I’m not a Democrat?

And the irony of it all is that mostly head-directed Republicans tend to be more religious!

Bottom line: Either Jesus Christ was a superb magician or he was divine … you decide.


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