Friday, April 28, 2023

Cognitive Dissonance

Recalling my Psych 1 college course, there are two possible responses for sufferers of cognitive dissonance (a mental confusion between perception and the facts) … either negative or positive.

As an example, you buy a new car and it’s no good … either you paint a lemon on its side to tell the world how bad it is … or you boast to everyone what a great deal it was.

Pilgrim, if you voted for Joe, how are you resolving your cognitive dissonance?



  1. Once again you have it ass backwards. CD is more easily explained by MAGA insistence that the 2020 election was stolen despite the lack of credible evidence. (Trump's own team just admitted that they could find no evidence of election fraud.) You would rather listen to Tucker's lies than learn the cold hard truth. It is you, sir, who needs therapy.

    The real Americans who voted for Joe will do it again, given the choice between him and an unhinged, unethical liar, who has cheated all of his life.

  2. Pilgrims … a case in point …

  3. Anonymous3:34 PM

    Fox News: we lied to you
    Fox viewers: we don’t care

  4. Change the subject …
