Tuesday, March 07, 2023

Thanks Joe!

President Biden has, in a little over two short years:

Caused raging inflation

Triggered the Ukraine war

Ignored rising crime

Repeatedly kowtowed to China

Made Russia,, China and Iran bosom buddies

Terribly botched the Afghan pull-out

Damaged our economy

Embarrassed us on the world stage

Made pronoun-spouting sissies of our military

Flamed racial hostilities

Permitted over 100,000 drug overdose deaths per year

Mishandled the COVID pandemic

Sullied election integrity

Cratered the stock marker

Ignored our crumbling infrastructure

Greased the decline of our education system

Debased women’s sports

Opened our borders to the world

Corrupted our justice system

Thrown away our energy independence

Seriously depleted our strategic oil reserve

Ballooned our national debt

Repeatedly lied to us

Is there anything this man touches that doesn’t turn to shit?


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