Thursday, March 02, 2023

Skinning the Cat (Udated)

There are a myriad of ways to take dirty money in exchange for favors …without violating the letter of the law. Politicians and others are getting more and more creative in this grift methodology:

- Pay a close relative of the object millions for a no-show board of directors membership in exchange for access.

- Set up a foundation to champion some noble cause … collect donations from companies and nations … hold a few meetings and then spend most of the money in maintaining your real purpose or political posse

- Hire a ghost writer to pen a puff book … get a huge advance from a friendly publisher … get pals to bulk-buy numbers in first week of offering to get on best-seller list … then walk away

- Commission unknown artists to paint some pictures … sign your name to them and then sell for huge prices to hidden buyers in exchange for unknown favors

- Set up an institute in connection with an university … have foreign countries (China, Saudi Arabia) donate millions to this university from which it pays pols millions for a no-show “professorship”

- The poobahs at the CDC and NIH are given credit on many drug company patents … which they then receive royalties from … which are not reported to the public … and obviously buy influence in future drug approvals

And yet our justice system and complicit media look the other way to all this misfeasance  … shameful!

Afterward: Another diabolical scam … have lefty government kinda insult the civil rights of some otherwise-friendly group in need of money … get sued by them … then quickly settle out of court for unjustified multiple million$.


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