Saturday, March 04, 2023

Occam’s Razor

I am a believer in Occam’s  Razor … the simplest explanation is usually the right solution … “if A, then B.”  In fact I even named one of my companies Occam Research.

However, Pilgrim … one of the ways our government … particularly our intelligence apparatchiks … confound things is to always make things more complicated … in order to avoid discovery … “if A, then B only if C” … or “if A then B and/or C after D occurs.” You get the drift.

This way, we Occam’s Razor believers may eventually find them out … but have a difficult time convincing others of their chicanery … because, living under a sound-bite media, the real answer lies “in the weeds.” In other words, we are asked to explain away all the gorilla-dust irrevalancies.

Pilgrim, now rethink your conclusions about recent conspiracies … the Russian collusion hoax, the stolen election fraud, the Russo-Ukrainian  war … or even the COVID pandemic and its vaccinations … returning to use of the razor offered to us by the Earl of Occam. Unfortunately, the majority of the rest of the-world stays in the dark constructed by our betters


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