Thursday, March 09, 2023


The above is Dr. Robert Redfield’s testimony in Congress on the origins of COVID-19. He was, at the time of the pandemic, the head of our Center of Desease Control (CDC) and a world-renowned virologist. So he knows from whence he speaks.

Pilgrim, watch it a least once … because you won’t see it in the main-stream media. Maybe, twice.

Afterward: Interestingly enough, Dr. Redfield’s CDC was responsible for publishing the Vaccine Averse Effects Reporting System … the only way that Americans learned that there were serious problems with the mRNA COVID-19 vaccines. See: VAERS data.

I’ve always assumed that the Fauci conspiracy was universal within HHS … but now I see Dr. Redfield’s influence in exposing these truths … and for that he deserves our kudos … and maybe a front seat at Drs. Fauci and Collin’s execution … for their crimes against humanity.


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