Tuesday, March 07, 2023

Cherry Picking


Chuck Schumer is beside himself accusing Tucker Carlson of “cherry picking’ the 41,000 hours of Capitol videos to imply the the January 6, 2020 invasion wasn’t actually an “insurrection.’ See the real Qanon Shaman footages above. I found these revealing YouTube videos which deal with just that episode.

And for a more complete story, let’s revert to Powerline which thankfully can skirt some of the FoxNews censorship … see: Powerline blog post. It has a more complete video of Tucker Carlson’s revelations anyway.

Now, I ask you Pilgrim, didn’t the Jan 6 House committee also cherry pick this same trove of videos … in one case dubbing in screaming and kinetic sounds to hard sell their “insurrection” message?


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