Sunday, February 12, 2023

Strategic Blunders

have noted that the United States must be something special to have survived so many bone-headed strategic blunders over the last 30 years … see: Obvious Truth. So yes, I’ve decided to make yet another list to explain things:

Giving China “Most Favored Nation” trading  status


Educating China about satellite launch technology

Ignoring Saudi student pilots not worrying about landing planes

The war in Iraq

Forcing banks to lend to unqualified mortgage borrowers

Outsourcing strategic manufacturing to China and elsewhere

Not enforcing existing gun laws

Allowing our infrastructure to crumble

The Iran nuclear arms agreement

Funding and teaching China gain-of-function tech

The Paris Climate Accord … war on carbon

The botched Afghan pullout

The military-industrial complex

The apology tour

Politicizing our justice system

Easing of election laws/monitoring

Deterioring education system

Open borders … sanctuary cities/states

Incredibly poor pandemic preparation

Monetizing our national debt

Inattention to growing national debt

Over-dependence on COVID vaccines

Defunding the police and ‘no-bail’ provisions

Equity — war on meritocracy and the woke agenda

Pilgrim, how many of these dumb-ass moves were you in favor of? Me? Just one … the war in Iraq.

Well, maybe that COVID vaccine thingie too … early on …


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