Tuesday, February 14, 2023

Special Vision


When Trump was in charge, the Republicans got things done. — Fletcher

Pilgrim, I have never fully understood the spittle-flecked hatred that never-Trumpers exhibit toward The Donald. It’s as though they have a special vision of what Trump intends to do to America … a tyranny, a hoard of neo-Nazi storm troopers, distraction of democracy, a MAGA fiefdom. All this without any hard evidence … in fact all evidence points in the opposite direction.

Any objective analysis of the Orangeman’s four years in office cannot help but to admit that he was a great leader.

John Hinderaker of the Powerline blog expresses his reservations about Trump running is 2024 … see: Oh Nooo… He’s Back! Some of which I agree with … some not so much.

Basically, his main argument is — because so many Americans hate Trump with an unholy passion, he should not step back into the race next time around … because it will  destroy the Republican Party … a message I have heard before … circular reasoning IMHO.

My bottom line: If Trump stays healthy … the Ukraine war is still on … and Biden is his opponent … the race for the White House is Trump’s in 2024.


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