Thursday, February 16, 2023

Interesting Factoid


The findings of the Special Georgia Grand Jury looking into President Trump’s phone calls to Governor Kemp have been partially revealed … and they found that there was not “significant” fraud in the 2020 presidential election in Georgia. See: AP Story.

Now, Pilgrim, in my previous life as a financial analyst on Wall Street, I recall that the word “significant” has a legal meaning … it means 10% or greater.

So, this Special Grand Jury seems to admit that there was voter fraud … but it did not amount to a 10% difference. And, seeing that Trump lost Georgia by 3/10ths of 1% … it would appear that Trump had pleanty of justification in asking Kemp to look into things.

(Although the Special Grand Jury recommended perjury charges be brought against several witnesses, it did not seem to be pulling the plug on Trump … one more sure thing going “poof.”)


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