Friday, December 30, 2022

Simulated Reality

Elon Musk has famously speculated that we are all living in a massive simulation in some giant quantum computer many years hence … to be stylishly mimicked by many other Mensa wannabes.

This idea of a giant simulation is based upon the notion that future quantum computers would have effectively unlimited storage and processing capacity to the pont that every item and event in the universe could be created and controlled virtually and rationally … kinda like under the theory of intelligent design.

If you need another analogy, think  of Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg’s “meraverse”  coming to an ultimate fruition.

Now Pilgrim, although I can understand the logic behind intelligence design …  See: God’s Gifts … I can’t completely bite … there are too many things that don’t seem too well designed. And I also definitely cannot swallow the giant simulation of our reality.


Simple… if everything is an enormous dancing set of Qbits in a gigantic quantum computer … then what is simulating this dancing set of Qbits in this same computer? An even bigger quantum computer?

Reducto ad adsurbum!


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