Sunday, December 04, 2022

Our Media Blanket

“The media is the message.” — Marshall McLuhan

Quite the showman, Elon Musk, thought he would capture the attention of America with the shocking revelations surrounding how our government colluded with Twitter (and likely others) to influence the outcome of the 2020 election through unconstitutional censorship and misinformation. He teased Twitter tweets and dramatic delays to heighten the suspense.

Not so, Elon! You underestimate the sheer power of the rest of our media to set the news agenda!

Well, I watched some of this Sunday morning’s  talking heads … and even FOXNews made not even a glancing mention of this blockbuster story. Our oppressive media, both old and new, has become complicit in throwing a blanket over what America knows or doesn’t know. To me, this is more than a little disconcerting!

Afterward: Howard Kurtz did carry this story, with a clearly biased panelist’s dismissal, on FOX’s Media Buzz.


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