Sunday, November 06, 2022

World Government


World government has had a checkered past. First it was Woodrow Wilson’s wet dream — the League of Nations.  Kaput!

The UN is the failed second iteration of globalism. It’s been 50 years that the UN has been totally worthless.

The World Economic Forum is the latest attempt at this pie-in-the-sky idea. Because of Trump, it too is in the process of failing … because nations don’t follow the assumed rules … nor is there any way to make them … except for war … which defeats the premise.  

Our founding fathers realized that the more governments are centralized, the more dangerous they become. Thus, the 10th Amendment to our Constitution.

Globalists keep forgetting this brilliant insight.


1 comment:

  1. Anonymous3:57 AM

    I have no brief for the UN. It is large and ungainly, too expensive but does provide help for little countries and a place to sound off. They are overseeing the current peace talks in Ethiopia. They were behind our work in Bosnia. Who is doing fine work. Refugees. Etc.

    If it is closed down, lots of people will be harmed. What would take its place for the good work it does?
