Friday, November 18, 2022

More Political Revenge

Merrick Garland

BREAKING: Merrick Garland has appointed a special counsel to investigate Donald Trump regarding his holding classified government documents at Mar-a-Largo and his attempt to “overturn” the 2020 election … leading to the Jan 6 Capitol “insurrection” … see:CNBC story. Don’t be surprised if this investigation lasts until November, 2024?

Now, Pilgrim, this move is obviously political and has at least three purposes:

1) Denigrate, through continued leaks, Trump’s run for re-election

2) Justify the DOJ’s unprecedented raid on the home of an ex-president

3) Maybe most important: Protect the FBI, Nancy Pelosi and DC Mayor Bowser from investigation by the new Republican-controlled House. — “I can’t discuss matters under investigation.”

And he had to wait to see the results of the election. Can this Attorney General get more sleezy?

Afterward: For more details and legal opinions, see: Powerline blog. Also, take a look at FBI agent provocateurs.



  1. If you untwist your pretzel logic you might see the appointment of an outside special counsel as a non-political act. There is plenty of evidence to indict Trump for attempting to overturn the election by inciting a failed insurrection on Jan 6 AND stealing classified documents that it is a simple matter of criminal justice. Overdue, in my opinion.

    I look forward to the upcoming clown show, when Gym Jordan et al try to impeach Biden et al.
    That train-wreck of deplorables should alienate what is left of the moderate GOP.

  2. Mr. Rold Gold, Not political? Why did the appointment wait until after Trump announced? It’s coming up on two years that this could have happened. Hmmm?
