Saturday, November 05, 2022


The districts seeing the most spending show why House Democrats are in trouble

U.S. Commerce Secretary presses plan to restrict American companies, and citizens, from making chips for China

Latest RealClearPolirits forecast predicts Republicans will control 54 Senate seats

Poll: Public support for aid to Ukraine drops, particularly among GOP

Zeldin draws big crowd outside Albany: ‘People are energized’

Zelensky hails UN nuclear investigation result; UK says Russia likely shooting retreating soldiers

U.S. and South Korea issue joint warning to North Korea— threaten to end regime if nuclear weapons are used

House GOP to release 1,000-page roadmap for Biden probes

Judge shoots down Mike Lindell’s bid to reclaim seized phone, access warrant affidavit

U.S. faces pandemic crossroads with COVID deaths still too high and new omicron variants, Fauci says

Complaint alleges John Fetterman bought land from his own nonprofit at fraction of market value

Bank of England alarm: longest recession in history


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