Wednesday, November 30, 2022



Walker to Trump: Please phone in

Elon Musk says Apple has threatened to remove Twitter app

Top Dem: Biden probably doesn’t have votes to pass gun control in lame duck session

McCarthy: If GOP play games, Dems could ‘end up picking’ the speaker 

Supreme Court responds to lawmakers on ethics complaints

‘Losing is not an option’: Russian analysts fear a ‘desperate’ Putin as Ukraine war drags on

‘Non-binary’ Biden senior energy official charged with felony theft

Pence: Trump should apologize for ‘white nationalist’ dinner

NATO must ramp up arms production for battles ahead, Ukraine says

U.S. could give Ukraine energy help as country freezes; rumors of further Russian mobilizations grow

EPA to spend $13 billion for whatever ‘environmental justice’ is 

Musk frames Twitter woes as ‘battle for future of civilization’ …


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