Wednesday, November 23, 2022

Garland’s Special Persecutor

Jack Smith, aKa “the executioner“

Went searching the internet recently for background on Jack Smith, the new Special Counsel appointed to investigate Donald Trump for secreting classified documents at Mar-a-Largo … and for inspiring the Jan 6 “insurrection.” Typical of Google’s algorithms, all I could find were puff pieces by the sympathetic  media. However, going to my email, I found a Howie Carr link to two more revealing references to why this legal gunslinger had been chosen. Here they are … and a summary of what they reveal:

- While at the DOJ, accused of collaborating with the IRS’s Louis Lerner to target conservative non-profits. Later Lerner was found in contempt of Congress but allowed to retire with full pension to live on Martha’s Vineyard.

- While in the DOJ pursued the prosecution of Alaska Republican Senator Ted Stevens resulting in his conviction and reelection loss. … only later to be exonerated due to prosecutorial misconduct.

- Also while in this position, prosecuted Virginia Republican Governor Bob McDonald for accepting gifts in exchange for favors. This conviction was overturned by the Supreme Court in a 9-0 decision.

For the details of these transgressions, see: Just the News … and: The Free Press.

This seems a more bloodthirsty choice than the last Special Counsel going after Trump, Robert Mueller.


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