Friday, November 04, 2022



The San Francisco District Attorney has said that there is ‘no public interest” to see the surveillance and bodycam videoes of the Paul Pelosi hammer attack … see: Survive the News report..

Pilgrim, I can’t imagine that this is a cover-up? Must be some other good reason for this diktat! Right?

Afterward: Even stranger … see: MSN Story.



ChillFin said...

Police department policies, where they exist, tend to specify all footage from the body cams are the property of the police department in question, and may not be released without the specific authorization of the superintendent. Some states have even passed laws making body cam footage exempt from freedom of information requests. So there is that...

George W. Potts said...

Why are you excusing corruption? The Paul Pelosi story has changed four times. Does this not give you a sniff of B.S.?

DEN said...

Another conspiracy? Do your panties ever get un-twisted?
In your citation, she said "Not at this time," not Never. Much of the "changing story" is due to misinformation spread by all Media. In their competitive haste to be first with breaking news, some will seemingly latch on to any thread of speculation and then report it as news. How is this evidence of corruption?

George W. Potts said...

There is a simple clean-up on aisle 7 … release all the videos and audios. Otherwise we tinfoil haters will suspect a coverup. In fact, in my mind, unless and until this info dump happens, there IS a coverup.
What’s the delay?