Friday, October 07, 2022

Kangaroo Hopping


1) Identify an enemy of the Deep State

2) Assign an operative to find or concoct a criminal story about this adversary

3) Leak salacious details to the NYT and/or WaPo using anonymous sourcing

4) Use this story to get a subpoena or suearch/arrest warrant from a friendly judge

5) Notify friendly media of upcoming raid or perp walk

6) Execute same with maximum force, drawn weapons and lots of publicity … helicopters, leg irons and strip searches also help

7) Empanel a friendly D.C. grand jury with “evidence” … real or planted … found during raid(s)

8) Drag out legal process to cause maximum financial damage to adversary

9) Press the grand jury for indictment … make sure trial is in D.C.

10) Gloat on MSNBC … conviction not really required


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