Friday, September 09, 2022

I, Skeptic (Updated)


There are a number of environmental assumptions that we are currently living under … of which I am a serious skeptic.

- Carbon dioxide is a air pollutant

- The world supply of petroleum and natural gas will soon run out

- Electric vehicles will replace gasoline vehicles by 2035

- Electric planes will replace jet planes

- Nuclear-generated electric power is very dangerous

- There are now more droughts than in history

-The world will soon be immersed in famine

- The Earth is going to burn up in less than ten years

- We are having more hurricanes which are also more severe

- The oceans will soon overtop many islands and even countries

- Solar panels and wind turbines can supply all our energy needs

- Hydroelectric dams need to be removed to save spawning fish

- More extreme temperature are occurring than ever before

- Migrants are on the move because of climate change

- We can measure the temperature of the Earth over an entire year within a fraction of a degree

- Polar bears are drowning due to lack of ice floes

I sincerely doubt if more than  one or two of these woke predictions will turn out to be so.

Afterward: See: Down with Electrical Vehicles and Green Energy Will Bankrupt Us.


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