Thursday, August 04, 2022

Turning the Other Cheek?

Call me a coward, but I wouldn’t  particularly want to be chewed on by lions to display my piety. — Fletcher 

I have argued with a commenter on this blog about the merits of Jimmy Carter’s presidency … which is generally regarded as a disaster. See: Obvious Truth

The sniper’s point basically is how can a good God-fearing man be such a bad leader?

Well, simple Pilgrim … because he was unable to understand that what it takes to be a pious person does not carry-over into being a good leader of a country.

A simple example … Christ told his followers that if someone strikes you, turn the other cheek. But if China or Russia nukes New York City, should we offer them Chicago?

Seems obvious to me that this was Carter’s flaw … he forgot that he was not a devout witness for Christ just for himself … he was representing all of us … a huge difference. And he did a lot of stupid things as a consequence … like declaring that Taiwan belongs to China …


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