Friday, August 05, 2022

Obvious Truth


One of the imagined advantages of the “New World Order” as concocted by our Davos masters was, because of our economic interconnectability, nations were no longer able to wage war with each other.

I guess the Russia invasion of Ukraine has knocked that notion into a cocked hat … as those supporting and supplying Ukraine are still buying oil and natural gas from Putin … if he lets them.

And what if China invades Taiwan and the West is drawn into another proxy war with Beijing? How will we resolve buying drugs, EV batteries, solar panels, cell phones, semiconductors … and many other critical items from our proxy enemy? But we will have to … or surrender.

Can we ask the World Economic Forum for our money back?

Afterthought: Our only teeny tiny leverage with China are the Trump tariffs … which Biden, in his not-so-infinite wisdom, is quietly getting rid of.


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