Sunday, August 28, 2022



Crist to pick Miami teachers union head as his running mate

Powell warns of ‘some pain’ ahead as the Fed fights to bring down inflation

Mar-a-Largo affidavit reads as if they were confiscating Russiagate evidence

Democrat Warnock boasts of leading charge to cancel student debt

RNC fires national spokesperson

DOJ reveals redacted affidavit justifying Mar-a-Largo raid

FBI under fire again over Hunter Biden laptop coverup after admission by Mark Zuckerberg

Maher: College is ‘a scam’ where people don’t get educated

U.S. strikes deal to keep China stocks from being booted off exchanges

Russia and Ukraine accuse each other of shelling around Europe’s largest nuclear plant

Gubentorial race in deep-blue Oregon now a toss-up

Dow down 1,000!


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