Sunday, August 14, 2022



Are you confident Pilgrim that you understand how the Obamas can support four mansions and beach front estates (Martha’s Vineyard, DC, Hawaii and Chicago) worth perhaps $40 million or more … with carrying charges of at least $2 million per … not counting any mortgage payments … and, if no mortgage payments, where did the purchase price cash come from … on income from their past book deals and a Netflix contract? See: Free Beacon Story.

To me, this stuff just doesn’t compute.



  1. I see a mansion and three houses. Even with a live-in caretaker couple at each, I compute about $40,000 per month with maintenance and taxes. That's $480 thousand a year.

  2. Obamarationalizations. You forgot insurance. And RE taxes are probably north of 1% per year … particularly for oceanfront properties. How about mortgage payments?

  3. OK, $80000 a month. That's less than $1M / yr. They have book deals that are very sweet. They rent out the MV house when they are not there. And they will likely sell the DC house when their oldest girl graduates.

  4. You’re getting closer. The Secret Service would never let them rent out the MV home. And they will need the DC home ‘cause the puppet strings aren’t long enough for any other venue.

  5. Let’s face it … they are living like billionaires … even more lavishly than the Clintons or Bidens … and they are both grifters of the first order.
