Saturday, July 23, 2022

The Great Divide

The best offense is a really good offensive.  — Fletcher

The great  divide between the political left and political right centers around strategy. The right seems almost always on defense as the left finds a wedge issue to batter them with.

What are the latest issues? Well, how about: abortion, Jan 6, Second Amendment, election fraud, COVID vaccines, global warming … to name just the top of mind … there are many more.

Oh these, election fraud is the only issue where the right is on the offensive … but even there, the left has tried their damnedest  to reverse the tables. In fact, some of the left’s greatest indignation happens when they are put on the defensive.

The left is so used to being on the offensive, that this humble blogger believes that Trump has been unique and effective is usurping this prerogative.

Maybe this is why the left is so aggressive in trying to take the Orangeman down?

Afterward: In fact one can easily view the Jan 6 panel as an indignant smokescreen covering the election fraud … putting the left back on offense  … and not just to investigate the Capitol breach.


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