Thursday, July 28, 2022

Senseless (Updated)


Humans have six senses … sight: smell, taste, touch, hearing and kinesthesis  (look it up).

Facebook has changed its name to Meta based upon a change in strategic direction … spending as much as $10 billion on the metaverse.

Metaverse? What in Sam Hell is the metaverse? 

Well, Pilgrim, as best as I can determine, it is the imaginary world created inside your computer … as related to you via a virtual reality headset … which gives you visual and, sometimes, auditory stimulus. See: Wikipedia Explanation.

Now Pilgrim, that’s 2 of our 6 senses. Are you willing to live in such a sensory-constrained meta-world? I’m not. Not even if it costs $10 billion to construct.

Afterward: some claim that there is a sense of gravity … which is also missing in the metaverse … perhaps why it often causes vertigo?


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