Tuesday, July 19, 2022

Simple Recipe

The world is a very big place. There is an extreme weather event somewhere on our globe almost every day ... as has always been the case. If you continually harp on these natural occurances … calling it CLIMATE CHANGE … you can scare the shit out of people … and make a king’s ransom in the process.



  1. Anonymous6:50 AM

    The world is burning up, and you are still bleating about carbon dioxide. How is that working out for you?


  2. If I’m a sheep, you’re a Judas goat …

  3. Too bad you don't understand thermodynamics. Your simplistic view of CO2 doesn't take into account some important facts about the rate that the Earth can absorb CO2.
    Do yourself a favor and do some research.

  4. I reject three of your assumed premises:
    1) the Earth is actually warming up … the “proof” is altered data and very suspect
    2) If it is warming, that man-made CO2 is a primary reason … models that claim to prove this have never worked as claimed … primarily because they ignore all the other possible variables (which man can’t control)
    3) that given the small increase in CO2 (in the last 100 years) , that we are experiencing is bad … in fact I think if is actually good for our plant life … and thus good for us. Going to zero CO2 would kill all our plants and thus kill us.

    The Green New Deal is societal suicidal … as Germany, Sri Lanka and the Netherlands are painfully learning. The GND is just another effort to subjugate the people …. with which you seem more than willing to comply.

  5. By the bye, have you bought a Tesla yet? Or are you all words and no actions?

  6. Maybe a roof full of solar panels too?

  7. I am contributing to the solution by farting in jars and burying them in dirt pits for future use. I also hold my breath whenever someone says "Tucker Carlson."

  8. Ha ha you should read the poem. It describes thee to a tee, not me. "...kept on drinking ...the Kool-Aid"

  9. Said with dripping scorn ….

    Are you growing lean as you assail the years?
