Sunday, July 03, 2022



Air travel is a hot mess. There’s not much the government can do about it

A massive pile-up of cars, furniture exports bound for U.S. is spreading across European ports

White House: High gas prices are part of guarding ‘liberal world order’

Protesters target Amy Conan Barrett’s home …

NATO is united now. Will ‘war fatigue’ set in later?

Major crypto broker Voyager Digital suspends all trading, deposits and withdrawals

U.S. Army announces unvaxxed National Guard and reserve trooops won’t get paid

71% do not want Biden to run for re-election … Approval rating stuck at 39% …

McCaine, Gifford, Rapinoe and Biles: Biden names Medal of Freedom recipients

10-year Treasury yield falls to lowest level since May

Google caught blocking 100% of RNC emails in key fundraising days

DC coolest June since ‘09 …


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