Sunday, July 17, 2022


White stuff is steam, black is soot, CO2 is invisible

Our plants are on a starvation diet of carbon dioxide (0.04%) — Freeman Dyson, Physics Professor Emeritus, Princeton University

Pilgrim, the lesson for today is a repeat … carbon is not carbon dioxide and visa versa. When the Chicken Littles demand that we get rid of carbon … the implication is we should eliminate smoke and soot … which I’m OK with. But the sub-plot is  that we zero out carbon dioxide! (The EPA has designated carbon dioxide an air pollutant for heavens sake!) Bummer!  I am violently against this!


Because, if we eliminated CO2 from our atmosphere, we would all starve to death … and I don’t want us all to die. Do these greenie dopes?

Afterward: Mars’ thin atmosphere is 95% carbon dioxide yet this planet has not ‘burned up.’ In fact it has standing water and even ice on its surface! AOC … are you listening … or even care?


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