Wednesday, June 29, 2022

Orchestrated Slander


The House Jan. 6 Committee has far exceeded any semblance of judiciousness … and has degenerated into an instrument of unbridled slanderous Trump hate mongering. It may not be illegal, but should be!  Fully reminiscent of the old Soviet Union show trials. Shameful!



  1. Let's hope the "slandered" individuals get to tell their side of the story. What? They took the 5th?

    They (J6) have made a very credible case that Trump knew he lost and was unwilling to accept the election results. His actions were a despicable violation of his oath and un-American. Stop wiping your ass on the Constitution, and come back into the light.


  2. Hearsay evidence allowed, no defensive counsel, no objections or cross examination, testimony on edited tape, history of altering evidence, defense witness intimidation, star chamber entirely run by those who have already rendered the verdict.
    Defending such one-sided nonsense is misguided and even evil.

  3. And how about NOT calling key witnesses … like Pelosi and Bowser … and hiding witness testimony (Ray Epps)?
    One last thing … Trump has already been tried for this in his second impeachment … and found not guilty. Double jeopardy anyone? Perhaps this is why the DOJ won’t touch this with a ten foot pole?
