Thursday, June 02, 2022



The White House has one problem that rules them all: gas prices

India sees second chance to pivot to Indo-Pacific in new group that excludes China

Uvalde School District police chief stops coooperating with investigation into shooting response

Biden’s showdown with Fed chief … Misjudged inflation threat Yellen admits …

Judge: No ‘speck’ of proof in Palin’s libel suit against the NYT

Supreme Court blocks Texas social media law opposed by tech industry

Jury that includes three Clinton donors fails to convict ex-Clinton lawyer Sussmann

Kremlin propaganda declares ‘WW3 has begun’ … Threatens to wipe out USA with just four Satan II missiles …

Texas police: Teacher closed propped-open door before attack

House prices surge over 20% in March, according to S&P Case-Schiller

Biden reportedly frustrated with aides continually walking back his statements

FTC antitrust probe of AMAZON picks up speed …


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