The Second Amendment is not absolute. — Joe Biden
Just for a brief moment, Pilgrim, imagine all the current restrictions on our other freedoms … say freedom of religion … that we have put on firearms — must be 18, can’t display faith in public, can’t carry your beliefs to another state, can’t be a scary zealot, must be taught and tested on use, need background check to pray, can’t practice if any use of marijuana, need a license to attend services … and all the many new proposed strictures.
That’s a twisted concept of “freedom!”
A military base is, arguably, a well-regulated militia. Google "military base gun laws". Many locations do not allow any personal firearms to be brought on the installation or stored in base housing or barracks. Troops living in barracks or other similar quarters who own personal weapons typically must register and store them in a base firearms storage facility.
ReplyDeleteIf I’m not mistaken, most of this wokeness started under Obama. Remember that Muslim psychiatrist who shot up Ft. Hood … killing 12 I think … no one could shoot back because all the guns were sequestered? Makes sense … a no-gun-zone being an army base!