Thursday, May 12, 2022

Our Degenerates

Pilgrim, I’ve been hanging out around here for a good long time … and I firmly believe that the vast majority of Americans are good, honest, hardworking people. But I have also noticed that the density of loyal patriots decreases the further up one moves in politics, business, entertainment, sports and, yes, even religion. Disturbing!

And another observation … maybe it’s because I’m paying closer attention to things in my dotage … but the number of these good people seems to have decreased in the last so-many years. As we have gotten more prosperous, we  have seemed to be shedding morality, particularly among these elite groups.

I only wish I could offer some reasons for this slide into darkness, but to do so would be sophistry … so I won’t.

I can only lament with a heavy heart … and hope our better angels will guide our country back to a higher purpose.


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