Friday, May 13, 2022

2,000 Mules

Dinesh D’Sousa has helped pull back the curtain on the voter fraud in the 2020 presidential election … using forensic cell phone evidence to show how ballot harvesting was orchestrated in five critical states which swung the election.

See: Conservative Treehouse Post. Read and watch before going on, please.

Now Pilgrim, I have not watched the full video … but have been frequently thwarted by Big Tech censoring it when I tried to do so. However, I do know pretty much what it said … and have a nagging question:

Why can’t some legal authority, maybe in a lawsuit if necessary, depose a number of these 2,000 mules … we know who they are through their cellphones … and find out, under oath, exactly where they got all the ballots that they put in the numerous drop boxes? How they were recruited? Who trained and paid them? And do they believe that they were performing voter fraud to elect Biden? For a hint of results, see: Powerline blog post.

Perhaps this is what Bill Barr might have caused before he claimed that there was no evidence of election malfeasance?

Simple…  no?

By the bye, I welcome comments from any of you Pilgrims who have watched D’Sousa’s video.



  1. You would think that someone, somewhere could bring these allegations to a legal venue to be discussed and factchecked. Oh wait, here is what Georgia Bureau of Investigations (GBI) said:

    "As it exists, the data, while curious, does not rise to the level of probable cause that a crime has been committed. For the GBI to get the same CSLI [cell site location information] information you provided, we would need to obtain a search warrant based on such probable cause. We cannot make that showing with what has been provided.

    As such, based on what has been provided and what has not been provided, an investigation is not justified."
    Stop being gulled, just 'cause you want it to be true.

  2. t’s perfectly natural for someone to visit 15 drop boxes with 3-5 ballots in each at 2AM for 5 nights in a row? This would seem like probable cause to any sane person. The GBI is the fisherman and you are the flounder. Is it possible that GBI … like the FBI … would then have to admit its own incompetence? Did you watch the video?

  3. yes, and also factchecked the claims. All debunked. D'Souza should be in jail for treason.

  4. I’m sorry to say … I don’t believe you.
