Saturday, April 09, 2022

Trump’s Revelations


The Four Horsemen of the MAGA

Recently I posited that D.J. Trump’s loudmouth (see: A Lesson Learned) had opened our eyes (and ears) to many of our unfocused-on problems. I thought I might hughlight a few … yes another annoying  list:

- China is not our friend

- If you don’t have borders, you don’t have a country

- The U.S. cannot lose its strategic industries … such as aluminum and steel

- Many EU countries … Germany being the worst offender … are not meeting their NATO obligations

- NAFTA seriously disadvantaged the U.S. vis a vis Mexico and Canada

- American industry is overtaxed and over regulated

- America needs to stop relying on our enemies for much of our energy

- Israel and Muslim countries CAN live in peace together

- Vaccines shouldn’t take years to develop

- Global warming is not an existential threat to our existence

- Iran will destroy us if we let it

- Kim Jong un is just vying for attention

- Russia could have been an ally against China

- America need not be loved … but should be respected

- Unsolicited mail-in voting makes it easier to steal an election

- Obama’s intelligence agencies had been politicized and were spying on him and his people



  1. You were very blind and deaf if you did not realize every one of these 'revelations' decades ago.

  2. In the land of the blind, the one eye Orangeman is president.
